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SAFETY RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE: Please read our new policies before you visit. More details
・のトニック・のトニック塩 全5種類入荷しました。大変お待たせしました。
・のトニック渋谷「SUMADORIーBAR SHIBUYA」、金沢「金沢ニューグランドホテル』でキャンペーン中です。のトニック塩シリーズ、<加糖>、<微糖>、<無糖>、石川県内どんたく様、カジマート様、珠洲市内各スーパーで販売しています。
銀賞ーBB・ラム、PSピンキー・ジン 銅賞ーデヴィサント・ジン、カルディベイ・ウォッカ 引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
Distilled four refreshing botanicals from Noto and filled in a bottle.
Refreshing scent in the wind
Filled with the aroma of Noto in a bottle and it opens up in your glass.
The fresh, clear aroma of Noto's satoyama botanicals is filled in a bottle.
It can be mixed with soda or tonic water,
It can also be served in cocktails such as martinis and gimlets,
The flavour is fantastic and has a long-lasting aftertaste.
Enjoy the view of Noto in your glass.
about NTG
About NTG
Delivering the aroma of Noto in beverages.
A rich fragrance that brings back forgotten memories
Delivering you the scent of Noto on the wind.
NTG is a private business established in January 2021.
How wonderful it would be if I could bottle and deliver the treasures of Noto, where so many things we once valued remain.
And how bright the future would be if as many people as possible could visit the Noto region.
With this in mind, I design, manufacture and sell distilled spirits and carbonated drinks.
about NTG
NTG エヌティージー
小売卸売販売事業者:NTG 松田行正
〒927-1215 石川県珠洲市上戸町北方2-152-1 道下ビル3階
TEL/090-1525-8111 MAIL/
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